Meeting with Fabricator #2 May 8th 2024

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Updated 5/9/2024 :

  1. show reduced width at the rear bimini.
  2. show gap for the main sheet
  3. note: tubing added to the front of the dodger improves visibility
  4. note: rear bimini stows upright strapped around the back stays
  5. note: stanchion attachments to the outboard for better egress
  1. largura reduzida no bimini traseiro.
  2. mostrar lacuna para a planilha principal
  3. nota: a tubulação adicionada à frente do dodger melhora a visibilidade
  4. o bimini traseiro fica na posição vertical amarrado nos suportes traseiros
  5. acessórios de suporte ao motor de popa para melhor saída


A brief overview of the meeting
  1. The existing rear bimini remains relatively unchanged with the exception of:
    1. The width at the extreme rear will be narrowed to conform to the shape of the hull.
  2. The enhanced bracing of the forward bimini is replaced by a single "hoop" brace to the stantion posts.
  3. The forward attachment to the dodger is modified, adding a forward facing hoop, and straps were added.
  4. My model doesn't show any glaring problems with the new design.
    1. the new design is very efficient with much less tubing and hardware
    2. sailing with the "forward bimini only", was abandoned
    3. forward bimini can only operate while attached to rear bimini


Detailed meeting notes
  1. Bimini to fold forward over dodger, stores on handrails
    1. Hugo showed examples of biminis that fold forward over the dodger
    2. Attachment below dodger for pivot points was thought to be a problem. 
    3. Space around winches could be impacted
    4. Having to swing the boom out of the way to transition is a small negative
    5. Advantages are that it can be stowed without disassembly.
  2.  Rear mounting location near rear winch
    1. Space around winches could be impacted
    2. Stowage and functionality remain ambiguous
  3. Zip to existing dodger handrail 
    1. This has been abandoned in favor of an added forward hoop
  4. Mount on outside boat toe rail 
    1. Everyone agreed the benefit is more space to move about the boat
  5. Wide design 
    1. The rear bimini over the pilot will be bent inward toward the top to conform to the lines of the boat
    2. Stantion extensions remain the favored support
  6. Main sheet interference 
    1. The zippered gap between the front and rear bimini sections will allow a gap for the main sheet (lines to traveller) this is a reiteration of existing logic
  7. Eliminate vee center support 
    1. A single rib from outboard station extensions will support the forward shade from one side to the other. 
    2. Replaces multiple triangular braces from the previous design
    3. This is more simple and efficient design
    4. The zippered section increases in size leaving the forward shade quite small when sailing

  1. Dobre para a frente sobre o Dodger Pousa nos corrimãos
    1. Hugo mostrou exemplos de biminis que se dobram para frente sobre o dodger
    2. A fixação abaixo do dodger para pontos de articulação foi considerada um problema.
    3. O espaço ao redor dos guinchos pode ser impactado
    4. Ter que tirar o boom do caminho para a transição é um pequeno aspecto negativo
    5. As vantagens são que pode ser guardado sem desmontagem.
  2.   Local de montagem traseira próximo ao guincho traseiro
    1. O espaço ao redor dos guinchos pode ser impactado
    2. A arrumação e a funcionalidade permanecem ambíguas
  3. Feche o corrimão Dodger existente
    1. Isso foi abandonado em favor de um arco adicional para frente
  4. Montagem na biqueira externa do barco
    1. Todos concordaram que o benefício é mais espaço para se movimentar no barco
  5. Design amplo
    1. O bimini traseiro sobre o piloto será dobrado para dentro em direção ao topo para se adaptar às linhas do barco
    2. Extensões de suporte continuam sendo o suporte preferido
  6. Interferência da folha principal
    1. A lacuna com zíper entre as seções dianteira e traseira do bimini permitirá uma lacuna para a folha principal (linhas para o viajante), esta é uma reiteração da lógica existente
  7. Elimine o suporte do centro V
    1. Uma única nervura das extensões externas da estação apoiará a cortina dianteira de um lado ao outro.
    2. Substitui vários colchetes triangulares do design anterior
    3. Este é um design mais simples e eficiente
    4. A seção com zíper aumenta de tamanho, deixando a sombra frontal bem pequena durante a navegação


    Filipe Vasconcelos


    Keith Rowell

Owners Present

    Hugh Mann


    Michael Bruehn

Storage spaces



  1. This model doesn't show the reduced width at the rear bimini. It was agreed to at the meeting and Felipe's estimate includes it. The modification was cut for time in this sketch merely for expediency.

  2. Also not shown is the gap for the main sheet

  3. As to the notes the fact that the tubing added to the dodger improves visibility.

  4. rear bimini stows upright strapped around the back stays


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